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_12 杜鲁门(现代)
  George Bernard Shaw
  July 26, 1926
  Of late years the public have been trying to tackle me in every way they possibly can, and failing to make anything of it they have turned to treating me Bs a great man. This is a dreadful fate to over- take anybody. There has been a distinct attempt to do it again now, and for that reason I absolutely decline to say anything about the celebration of my seventieth birthday. But when the Labor Party, my old friends the Labor Party, invited me here I knew that l should be all right.
  Now, however, we have built up a constitutional Party. We have built it up on a socialistic basis. My friend, Mr. Sidney Webb, Mr. Macdonald and myself said definitely at the beginning that what we had got to do was to make the Socialist Party a constitutional party to which any respectable God-fearing man could belong without the slightest compromise of his respectability. We got rid of all those traditional that is why Governments in the present day are more afraid of us than they were of any of the Radical people.
  Our position is a perfectly simple one and we have the great advantage of understanding our position. We oppose socialism to capitalism.
  According to the capitalists, there will be a guara11tee to the world that every man in tile country would get a job. They didn’t contend it would be a well-paid job, because if it was well paid a man would save up enough one week to stop working the next week, and they were determined to keep a man working the whole time on a bare subsistence wage - and, on the other hand, divide an accumulation of capita1.
  They said capita1ism not only secured this for the working man, but, by insuring fabulous wealth in the hands of a small class of people, they would save money whether they liked it or not and would have to invest it. That is capitalism, and this Government is always interfering with capitalism. Instead of giving a man a job or letting him starve they are giving him doles - after making sure he has paid for them first. They are giving capitalists subsidies and making all sorts of regulations that are breaking up their own system. All the time they are doing it, and we are telling them it is breaking up, they don’t understand.
  We say in criticism of capitalism: Your system has never kept its promises for one single day since it was promulgated. Our production is ridiculous. We are producing eighty horsepower motor cars when many more houses should be built. We are producing most extravagant luxuries while children starve. You have stood production on its head. Instead of beginning with the things the nation needs most, you are beginning at just the opposite end. We say distribution has become so glaringly ridiculous that there are only two people out of the 47,000,000 people in this country who approve of the present system of distribution-one is the Duke of Northumberland and the other is Lord Banbury.
  We are opposed to that theory. Socialism, which is perfectly clear and unmistakable, says the thing you have got to take care of is your distribution. We have to begin with that, and private property, if it stands in the way of good distribution, has got to go.
  A man who holds public property must hold it on the pub1ic condition on which, for instance, I carry my walking stick. I am not al1owed to do what I like with it. I must not knock you on the head with it. We say that if distribution goes wrong, everything else goes wrong-religion, morals - government. And we say, therefore (this is the whole meaning of our socialism}, we must begin with distribution and take all the necessary steps.
  I think we are keeping it in our minds because our business is to take care of the distribution of wealth in the worId1 and I tell you, as I have told you be fore, that I don’t think there are two men, or perhaps one man, in our 47,000,000 who approves of the existing distribution of wealth. I will go even further and say that you will not find a single person in the whole of the civilized world who agrees with the existing system of the distribution of wealth. It has been reduced to a blank absurdity.
  I think the day will come when we will be able to make the distinction between us and the capitalists. We must get certain leading ideas before the people. We should announce that we are not going in for what was the old-fashioned idea of redistribution, but the redistribution of income. Let it always be a question of income.
  I have been very happy here to night. I entirely understand the distinction made by our Chairman to night when he said you hold me in social esteem and a certain amount of personal affection. I am not a sentimental man, but l am not 1nsensible to all that. I know the value of all tl1at, and it gives me, now that 1 have come to the age of seventy (it will not occur again and I am saying it for the first time), a great fee1ing of pleasure that l can say what a good many people can’t say.
  我们的立场是非常简单明确的,我们的极大优势在于理解自己的立场。我们用社会主义来反对资本主义。   按照资本家的观点,完全可以保证这个国家人人都能得到一份职业。他们不主张那份职业工资很高,因为如果工资很高,一个星期就可以攒下足够的钱,下个星期就不必工作了。他们决心以仅能糊口的工资使人们始终不停地工作,而他们自己则分享着一份资本增益。
  我们在批评资本主义时说:你们的制度自公布以来,从未有哪一天信守过自己的诺言。我们的生产是荒唐的。需要建造更多的房屋时,我们却在生产80马力的汽车。孩子们正在挨饿时,我们却在生产最豪华的奢侈品。你们把生产颠倒了。你们不先生产国民最需要的东西,却反其道而行之。我们说分配已经变得绝顶荒谬,以致在我国四千七百万人口中,只有两个人赞成现行的分配制度——一个是诺森伯兰公爵,另一个是班伯里勋爵。   我们反对那种理论。明白无误的社会主义理论指出,你们必须注意的问题是你们的分配我们必须由此着手,而如果私有财产妨碍公正的分配,就必须予以废除。
  President Jiang Zemin's Speech at celebrations of the fifth anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland and the inauguration of the second-term government of the Hong Kong Special yogiyangistrative Region
  中华人民共和国主席 江泽民
  Dear Compatriots and Friends,
  Five years ago today, I declared here, on behalf of the CentralGovernment, the resumption of the exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong by the Chinese Government and the establishment of the Hong Kong Special yogiyangistrative Region of the People’s Republic of China. Now we are gathered here once again to celebrate the fifth anniversary of Hong Kong’s return. Let me extend, on behalf of the Central Government and the people of all ethnic groups throughout the country, our most cordial greetings to the people of various circles in Hong Kong and our heartfelt congratulations to Mr. Tung Chee Hwa, the newly-appointed second Chief Executive of the Hong Kong SAR, the principal officials of his second term and members of the Executive Council.
  The past five years since Hong Kong’s return to the motherland saw "one country, two systems" being translated from a scientific concept into a vivid reality and the SAR Government under the leadership of Mr. Tung Chee Hwa making remarkable progress by closing ranks with the people in Hong Kong and overcoming one difficulty after another. Shortly after its return, Hong Kong was struck by the Asian financial crisis and some ominous turns of events in the global economy. With the strong support of the Central Government, the SAR Government took on the challenge calmly and, together with the people of all circles in Hong Kong, properly resolved a series of social and economic problems, thus maintaining the overall stability in Hong Kong. Today, the policies of "one country, two systems," "Hong Kong people yogiyangistering Hong Kong" and a high degree of autonomy have been implemented in an all-round way, and the capitalist system and thelifestyle that Hong Kong residents are accustomed to have remainedunchanged. Retaining the status as a free port and international center of trade, finance and shipping, Hong Kong continues to enjoy the reputation as one of the most dynamic regions in Asia and the world as a whole. Facts have shown convincingly that "one country, two systems" is entirely workable, that Mr. Tung Chee Hwaand the SAR Government under his leadership have the talent and ability to sit on top of complicated situations and that Hong Kongpeople are fully capable of yogiyangistering Hong Kong successfully.
  The past five years also saw us continuously enriched with experience of implementing the policy of "one country, two systems." "One country, two systems" is a brand new cause, which calls forjoint endeavor by the Central Government, the SAR Government and our compatriots in Hong Kong. To put in a nutshell, what we have learnt in the past five years is that the policy of "one country, two systems" and the Basic Law of the Hong Kong SAR must be implemented in a comprehensive and accurate manner under any circumstances, that full support must be given to the Chief Executive and the SAR Government in their yogiyangistration under thelaw, and that effective efforts must be made to strengthen the broad-based unity of the Hong Kong people under the banner of loving the country and loving Hong Kong, and to maintain a stable and harmonious society and a prosperous and growing economy in Hong Kong. As long as we persist in so doing, we will surely surmount all difficulties on the road to progress and the cause of"one country, two systems" will surely achieve even greater successes.
  From its inception to its successful implementation in Hong Kong, the concept of "one country, two systems" went through an extraordinary process. Mr. Deng Xiaoping was the founder of this great cause. In a display of the wisdom, creativeness and bold vision of a towering statesman, he laid down this scientific concept and thus blazed a feasible way for the peaceful reunification of the motherland. It was under his personal attention and direct guidance that the China-UK negotiations on the settlement of the Hong Kong question and the drafting of the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special yogiyangistrative Region, which was of a trail-blazing significance, were brought to fruition. In the face of major changes in the international situation as Hong Kong entered the latter half of the transitional period, we persisted with the policy of "one country, two systems," systematically went about various preparations for the resumption of exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong and achieved a smooth transition. In reviewing this process, we feel all the more strongly that what has become of Hong Kong today has not come by easily. Indeed, it is the growing prosperity of the motherland that ensured the smooth return of Hong Kong and its successful implementation of "one country, two systems" thereafter. It also provides a reliable backing for the long-term social stability andeconomic prosperity in Hong Kong.
  At present, the trends towards a multi-polar world and economicglobalization are developing in greater depth. With rapid advancement of science and technology and increasingly fierce competition in countries’ overall national strength, the international situation is undergoing certain profound changes. Wemust adapt ourselves to such new circumstances and do still a better job in promoting our national development. Thanks to two decades of reforms, opening-up and modernization drive, China’s overall national strength has increased substantially and the Chinese people on the whole have enjoyed a comfortable living standard. In the new century, China’s mainland has entered into a new stage of development, a stage of building a well-off society across the country and expediting the socialist modernization while fulfilling the third-phase strategic objectives of our modernization program. We must firmly grasp the strategic opportunity at the early 21st century, keep abreast with the timesand press ahead with continued reform, opening-up and modernization. The next five to ten years are crucial for Hong Kong’s economic and social development. The Hong Kong SAR government and the people of all circles are therefore required toalso keep abreast with the times, work hard and bring about an even better future for Hong Kong. To this end, I would like to express a few hopes.
  First, I hope the people of all circles in Hong Kong will do still a better job in adapting themselves to the new Hong Kong after 1997 and become better masters of Hong Kong, and of our great motherland too. At the first anniversary of Hong Kong’s return, I said that this important turn of history had put every Hong Kong compatriot to a test, and only those who could comply with the historical changes and had a genuine understanding of their new responsibilities could seriously get down to the shapingof Hong Kong’s future role as masters of their own house. Our HongKong compatriots are not only masters of the Hong Kong SAR, but also of the country. They should, therefore, keep enhancing their sense of the country and of the nation, make conscious efforts to safeguard the security and unification of the motherland and endeavor to defend its overall interests. The great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the eventual reunification of the motherland is the common aspiration of all Chinese. Everyone, including our Hong Kong compatriots, should devote oneself to thislofty cause with contributions that will make the country, the nation and the times really proud.
  Second, I hope the executive, legislative and judicial bodies of the Hong Kong SAR will constantly improve their job performanceso as to provide better services to the public and society. The executive-led structure should be further strengthened. The executive, legislative and judicial offices should go about their respective terms of references in accordance with the Basic Law, and do a better job in ensuring the overall interests of the Hong Kong citizens and serving the Hong Kong society by following the demand for social progress and economic development. Civil servants at all levels, especially ranking officials, should conscientiously submit themselves to and support the leadership ofthe Chief Executive, work with one heart and strive to achieve fresh successes. People from all walks of life should close ranks under the banner of loving the country and loving Hong Kong, support the work of the Chief Executive and the SAR government andget to grips with solving some major issues bearing on the future social and economic development in Hong Kong. I am confident that as long as the SAR government and Hong Kong residents could work together, giving full play to the talent of all social sectors while pooling the strength of the entire Hong Kong society, they will surely succeed in taking good care of Hong Kong.
  Third, I hope the SAR Government and the Hong Kong people in general will strengthen their confidence and work persistently towards a new economic landscape in Hong Kong. It is always important to watch Hong Kong’s economy closely. Hong Kong’s past economic successes were the results of Hong Kong people’s ability to adjust and innovate, to seize the opportunities and to adapt tochanging external environment while putting their own advantages to the best use. Hong Kong’s future economic successes will still require the unremitting exploration and hard work of the SAR Government and the people of all circles. Given the current circumstances, it is all the more important not to lose sight of the main advantages of Hong Kong while acknowledging its current economic difficulties and problems. With a fairly strong economy and considerable competitive edge, Hong Kong is well-known in the world for its highly open and free economic structure, a fairly complete legal system, a sound business environment and extensive links with the world markets. What is more, Hong Kong has a contingent of high-quality civil servants, large numbers of successful entrepreneurs and an array of professional talents. Allthis will contribute to Hong Kong’s successes in future competitions. The vast hinterland of China, its rapidly growing economy and rising international stature will also provide Hong Kong with highly favorable conditions for its development. The Central Government will continue to support and help Hong Kong in its economic recovery and development. I am confident that as longas our Hong Kong compatriots carry forward their fine traditions of courage, industry and enterprise, Hong Kong’s economy will retain its famed dynamism and be always blessed with a bright future.
  Ever since Hong Kong’s return to the motherland, I have always felt an intense warmth every time I visited Hong Kong or met with personages from Hong Kong. Hong Kong is forever a shinning pearl of our motherland. Let me wish her an even better future, and all the residents here a happier and more successful life!
  Thank you all.
  我感到有趣的是,婴儿潮时期出生的一些人现在正走向成熟。他们抱怨说,如今再没有优秀音乐了。但我必须说,我在当初绝对不会想到,在我们回顾往事时,会把70年代当做创作出伟大音乐作品的时期。我有一位当建筑师的朋友,他说,如果给我一台照相机,我可以从不同角度,把世界上任何地方的最优秀建筑师的最新的房屋,拍成行将倒塌的样子,因为我可以在上面找出五六个或七八个微疵,然后把镜头对准它们,就可以使人们相信整个建筑已经摇摇欲坠了。在社会上,总有一些人喜欢把镜头对准日常事件,如果我们让他们拍摄我们的生活,我们将会感到沮丧、忧虑和痛苦。因此我站在这儿,看着2400位从19岁到65岁的毕业生,经过自己的努力终于有了今天。你们取得了成功,还在准备继续前进。我请你们做到追求真善美,因为我相信真善美这三种品质代替了百分之 九十五的人类的工作。要谨防一些人把摄像机的镜头对准我们生 活中的瑕疵和缺点。我不是说我 们不应该面对现实,不是说我们 应该闭目塞听,也不是坚持说这 个世界已经完美无缺了。不,这 个世界不可能完美无缺,但我们 可以使它变得美好起来。你们 2400人可以使它变得更加美好。 但你们必须相信自己确实能够产 生影响。可是你们很有勇气。
  什么时候才是最好的时机 呢?什么时候才是办企业,写一 部书,登山,冒险,完成一项壮 举的最好时机呢?我愿意告诉你 们,如果你是一个悲观主义者, 那就永远不会开始。我曾有幸会 见过海伦·凯勒。她本来有一切理由成为悲观主义者,然而她却说,悲观主义者永远不会发现星球的奥秘,也不敢航行到地图上来标明的土地,更不敢开辟通向人类心灵的新天地。客观环境总是不完美的,这是一个简单的事实。如果你要寻找一个简单的解决办法,你也许得找出一些借口,设计好退路,然后再开始。
  今天,我对你们说,我的朋友们,尽管此时的困难与挫折,我们仍然有个梦,这是深深扎根于美国梦中的梦。 我有一个梦:有一天,这个国家将站起来,并实现它的信条的真正含义:“我们认为这些真理是不言而喻的,即所有的人都生来平等。”
  On this splendid moonlit night in mid autumn, as we gather in the beautiful city of Shanghai, located on the coast of the East China Sea.
  Let me, on behalf of the Chinese Government and people, extend a warm welcome to the friends who have come to take part in the 99 Fortune Global Forum, which is sponsored by Time Warner Group Inc.
  This forums theme is “China: the next 50 years.”
  China is a large developing socialist country, and its future development will not only directly affect the future of the Chinese people, but will also have an important impact on the development and progress of Asia and the world.
  在过去的一百多年间,中国人民历经沧桑,在奋起斗争的过程中进行了伟大的历史变革。Over the past hundred-odd years, the Chinese people have gone through storm and stress, and in the course of vigorous struggle they have accomplished a great historic transformation.
  New Chinas 50 years of development have resulted in accomplishments that have astonished the world.
  Only six years ago, in this Lujiazui District of Shanghais Pudong area, where we are gathered this evening,there were run-down houses.
  Now it is a vibrant modern financial and business zone, full of high-rise buildings.
  Over fifty years ago, I was in Shanghai attending university.
  At that time, I had a deep sense of the poverty, backwardness and feebleness of old China.
  It was then that I decided to devote myself to the noble task of building an independent, free, democratic, unified, rich and powerful New China, and I have been struggling for that to this very day.
  Fourteen years ago, I became mayor of Shanghai, and experienced the process of reform, opening-up and modernization in this China s biggest city.
  Im sure that all of you have seen with your own eyes the constant and unceasing transformation of Shanghai.
  The growth of Shanghai is one reflection of the enormous changes taking place in China.
  In the first 50 years of the 20th century, the Chinese people made unflagging efforts to change the tragic fate that had been theirs ever since the Opium War. After arduous and valiant struggle, they finally ended their semi-colonial and semi-feudal history, won independence for the nation and freedom for the people, and founded the Peoples Republic of China under the leadership of the Communist Party of China.
  In the latter half of the 20th century, relying on their own efforts, the Chinese people went all out to make their country strong and embarked on socialist construction.
  On the poor and deprived foundation of old China, they built a relatively complete industrial structure and national economic framework, raising the levels of their cultural and material lives significantly.