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_3 卡尔维诺(意)
Silver Nose
  There was once a widowed washerwoman with three daughters. All four of them worked their fingers to the bone washing, but they still went hungry. One day the oldest daughter said to her mother, "I intend to leave home, even if I have to go and work for the Devil."
  "Don't talk like that, daughter," replied the mother. "Goodness knows what might happen to you."
  Not many days afterward, they received a visit from a gentleman attired in black. He was the height of courtesy and had a silver nose.
  "I am aware of the fact that you have three daughters," he said to the mother. "Would you let one come and work for me?"
  The mother would have consented at once, had it not been for that silver nose which she didn't like the looks of. She called her oldest girl aside and said, "No man on earth has a silver nose. If you go off with him you might well live to regret it, so watch out."
  The daughter, who was dying to leave home, paid no attention to her mother and left with the man. They walked for miles and miles, crossing woods and mountains, and finally came in sight of an intense glow in the distance like that of a fire. "What is that I see way down there in the valley?" asked the girl, growing uneasy.
  "My house. That's just where we are going," replied Silver Nose.
  The girl followed along, but couldn't keep from trembling. They came to a large palace, and Silver Nose took her through it and showed her every room, each one more beautiful than the other, and he gave her the key to each one. When they reached the door of the last room, Silver Nose gave her the key and said, "You must never open this door for any reason whatever, or you'll wish you hadn't! You're in charge of all the rooms but this one."
  He's hiding something from me, thought the girl, and resolved to open that door the minute Silver Nose left the house. That night, while she was sleeping in her little room, in tiptoed Silver Nose and placed a rose in her hair. Then he left just as quietly as he had entered.
  The next morning Silver Nose went out on business. Finding herself alone with all her keys, the girl ran and unlocked the forbidden door. No sooner had she cracked it than smoke and flames shot out, while she caught sight of a crowd of damned souls in agony inside the fiery room. She then realized that Silver Nose was the Devil and that the room was Hell. She screamed, slammed the door, and took to her heels. But a tongue of fire had scorched the rose she wore in her hair.
  Silver Nose came home and saw the singed rose. "So that's how you obey me!" he said. He snatched her up, opened the door to Hell, and flung her into the flames.
  The next day he went back to the widow. "Your daughter is getting along very well at my house, but the work is so heavy she needs help. Could you send us your second daughter too?" So Silver Nose returned home with one of the girl's sisters. He showed her around the house, gave her all the keys, and told her she could open all the rooms except the last. "Do you think," said the girl, "I would have any reason to open it? I am not interested in your personal business." That night after the girl went to sleep, Silver Nose tiptoed in and put a carnation in her hair.
  When Silver Nose went out the next morning, the first thing the girl did was go and open the forbidden door. She was instantly assailed by smoke, flames, and howls of the damned souls, in whose midst she spotted her sister. "Sister, free me from this Hell!" screamed the first girl. But the middle girl grew weak in the knees, slammed the door, and ran. She was now sure that Silver Nose was the Devil, from whom she couldn't hide or escape. Silver Nose returned and noticed her hair right away. The carnation was withered, so without a word he snatched her up and threw her into Hell too.
  The next day, in his customary aristocratic attire, he reappeared at the washerwoman's house. "There is so much work to be done at my house that not even two girls are enough. Could I have your third daughter as well?" He thus returned home with the third sister, Lucia, who was the most cunning of them all. She too was shown around the house and given the same instructions as her sisters. She too had a flower put in her hair while she was sleeping: a jasmine blossom. The first thing Lucia did when she got up next morning was arrange her hair. Looking in the mirror, she noticed the jasmine. "Well, well!" she said. "Silver Nose pinned a jasmine on me. How thoughtful of him! Who knows why he did it? In any case I'll keep it fresh." She put it into a glass of water, combed her hair, then said, "Now let's take a look at that mysterious door."
  She just barely opened it, and out rushed a flame. She glimpsed countless people burning, and there in the middle of the crowd were her big sisters. "Lucia! Lucia!" they screamed. "Get us out of here! Save us!"
  At once Lucia shut the door tightly and began thinking how she might rescue her sisters.
  By the time the Devil got home, Lucia had put her jasmine back in her hair, and acted as though nothing had happened that day. Silver Nose looked at the jasmine. "Oh, it's still fresh," he said.
  "Of course, why shouldn't it be? Why would anyone wear withered flowers in her hair?"
  "Oh, I was just talking to be talking," answered Silver Nose. "You seem like a clever girl. Keep it up, and we'll never quarrel. Are you happy?"
  "Yes, but I'd be happier if I didn't have something bothering me."
  "What's bothering you?"
  "When I left my mother, she wasn't feeling too well. Now I have no news at all of her."
  "If that's all you're worried about," said the Devil, "I'll drop by her house and see how she's doing."
  "Thank you, that is very kind of you. If you can go tomorrow, I'll get up a bag of laundry at once which my mother can wash if she is well enough. The bag won't be too heavy for you, will it?"
  "Of course not. I can carry anything under the sun, no matter how heavy it is."
  When the Devil went out again that day, Lucia opened the door to Hell, pulled out her oldest sister, and tied her up in a bag. "Keep still in there, Carlotta," she told her. "The Devil himself will carry you back home. But any time he so much as thinks of putting the bag down, you must say, 'I see you, I see you!'"
  The Devil returned, and Lucia said, "Here is the bag of things to be washed. Do you promise you'll take it straight to my mother?"
  "You don't trust me?" asked the Devil.
  "Certainly I trust you, all the more so with my special ability to see from a great distance away. If you dare put the bag down somewhere, I'll see you."
  "Yes, of course," said the Devil, but he had little faith in her claim of being able to see things a great distance away. He flung the bag over his shoulder. "My goodness, this dirty stuff is heavy!" he exclaimed.
  "Naturally!" replied the girl. "How many years has it been since you had anything washed?"
  Silver Nose set out for the washerwoman's, but when he was only halfway there, he said to himself, "Mt I shall see if this girl isn't emptying my house of everything I own, under the pretext of sending out laundry." He went to put the bag down and open it.
  "I see you, I see you!" suddenly screamed the sister inside the bag.
  "By Jove, it's true! She can see from afar!" exclaimed Silver Nose. He threw the bag back over his shoulder and marched straight to Lucia's mother's house. "Your daughter sends you this stuff to wash and wants to know how you are..."
  As soon as he left, the washerwoman opened the sack, and you can imagine her joy upon finding her oldest daughter inside.
  A week later, sly Lucia pretended to be sad once more and told Silver Nose she wanted news of her mother.
  She sent him to her house with another bag of laundry. So Silver Nose carried off the second sister, without managing to peep inside because of the "I see you, I see you!" which came from the bag the instant he started to open it. The washerwoman, who now knew Silver Nose was the Devil, was quite frightened when he returned, for she was sure he would ask for the clean wash from last time. But Silver Nose put down the new bag and said, "I'll get the clean wash some other time. This heavy bag has broken my back, and I want to go home with nothing to carry."
  When he had gone, the washerwoman anxiously opened the bag and embraced her second daughter. But she was more worried than ever about Lucia, who was now alone in the Devil's hands.
  What did Lucia do? Not long afterward she started up again about news of her mother. By now the Devil was sick and tired of carrying laundry, but he had grown too fond of this obedient girl to say no to her. As soon as it grew dark, Lucia announced she had a bad headache and would go to bed early. "I'll prepare the laundry and leave the bag out for you, so if I don't feel like getting up in the morning, you can be on your way."
  Now Lucia had made a rag doll the same size as herself. She put it in bed under the covers, cut off her own braids, adn sewed them on the doll's head. the doll then looked like Lucia asleep, and Lucia closed herself up in the bag.
  In the morning the Devil saw the girl snuggled down under the covers and set out with the bag over his shoulder. "She's sick this morning," he said to himself, "and won't be looking. It's the perfect time to see if this really is nothing but laundry." At that, he put the bag down and was about to open it. "I see you, I see you!" cried Lucia.
  "By Jove, it's her voice to a tee, as though she were right here! Better not joke with such a girl." He took up the bag again and carried it to the washerwoman. "I'll come back later for everything," he said rapidly. "I have to get home right away because Lucia is sick."
  So the family was finally reunited. Since Lucia had also carried off great sums of the Devil's money, they were now able to live in comfort and happiness. They planted a cross before the door, and from then on, the Devil kept his distance.
  "Silver Nose" (Il naso d'argento) from Carraroli, 3, from Langhe, Piedmont.
  Bluebeard in Piedmont is Silver Nose. His victims are not wives but servant girls, and the story is not taken from chronicles about cruel feudal masters as in Perrault, but from medieval theological legends: Bluebeard is the Devil, and the room containing the murdered women is Hell. I found the silver nose only in this version translated from dialect and summarized by Carraroli; but the Devil-Bluebeard, the flowers in the hair, and the ruses to get back home were encountered all over Northern Italy. I integrated the rather meager Piedmont version with one from Bologna (Coronedi S. 27) and a Venetian one (Bernoni, 3).
  Copyright: Italian Folktales Selected and Retold by Italo Calvino,
  translated by George Martin,
  Pantheon Books, New York 1980
The Count's Beard
  The town of Pocapaglia was perched on the pinnacle of a hill so steep that its inhabitants tied little bags on the tail feathers of their hens to catch each freshly laid egg that otherwise would have gone rolling down the slopes into the woods below.
  All of which goes to show that the people of Pocapaglia were not the dunces they were said to be, and that the proverb,
  In Pocapaglia ways
The donkey whistles, the master brays,
  merely reflected the malicious grudge the neighboring townspeople bore the Pocapaglians for their peaceful ways and their reluctance to quarrel with anyone.
  "Yes, yes," was all the Pocapaglians would reply, "but just wait until Masino returns, and you will see who brays more, we or you."
  Everybody in Pocapaglia loved Masino, the smartest boy in town. He was no stronger physically than anybody else; in fact, he even looked rather puny. But he had always been very clever. Concerned over how little he was at birth, his mother had bathed him in warm wine to keep him alive and make him a little stronger. His father had heated the wine with a red-hot horseshoe. That way Masino absorbed the subtlety of wine and the endurance of iron. To cool him off after his bath, his mother cradled him in the shell of an unripened chestnut; it was bitter and gave him understanding.
  At the time the Pocapaglians were awaiting the return of Masino, whom no one had seen since the day he went off to be a soldier (and who was now most likely somewhere in Africa), strange things started happening in Pocapaglia. Every evening as the cattle came back from pasture in the plain below, an animal was whisked away by Micillina the Witch.
  The witch would hide in the woods at the foot of the hill, and all she needed to do was give one heavy puff, and she had herself an ox. When the farmers heard her steal through the thicket after dark, their teeth would chatter, and everyone would fall down in a swoon. That became so common that people took to saying:
  Beware of Micillina, that old witch,
For all your oxen she will filch,
Then train on you her crossed-eye,
And wait for you to fall and die.
  At night they began lighting huge bonfires to keep Micillina the Witch from venturing out of the woods. But she would sneak up on the solitary farmer watching over cattle beside the bonfire and knock him out in one breath. In the morning upon awaking, he'd find cows and oxen gone, and his friends would hear him weeping and moaning and hitting himself on the head. Then everybody combed the woods for traces of the stolen cattle, but found only tufts of hair, hairpins, and footprints left here and there by Micillina the Witch.
  Things went from bad to worse. Shut up all the time in the barn, the cows grew as thin as rails. A rake instead of a brush was all that was needed to groom them, from rib to rib. Nobody dared lead the cattle to pasture any more. Everyone stayed clear of the woods now, and the mushrooms that grew there went unpicked and got as big as umbrellas.
  Micillina the Witch was not tempted to plunder other towns, knowing full well that calm and peace-loving people were to be found only in Pocapaglia. There the poor farmers lit a big bonfire every night in the town square, while the women and children locked themselves indoors. The men sat around the fire scratching their heads and groaning. Day after day they scratched and groaned until a decision was finally reached to go to the count for help.
  The count lived high above the town on a large circular estate surrounded by a massive wall. The top of the wall was encrusted with sharp bits of glass. One Sunday morning all the townsmen arrived, with hats in hand. They knocked, the door swung open, and they filed into the courtyard before the court's round dwelling, which had bars at all the windows. Around the courtyard sat the court's soldiers smoothing their mustaches with oil to make them shine and scowling at the farmers. At the end of the courtyard, in a velvet chair, sat the count himself with his long black beard, which four soldiers were combing from head to foot.
  The oldest farmer took heart and said, "Your Honor, we have dared come to you about our misfortune. As our cattle go into the woods, Micillina the Witch appears and makes off with them." So, amid sighs and groans, with the other farmers nodding in assent, he told the count all about their nightmare.
  The count remained silent.
  "We have come here," said the old man, "to be so bold as to ask Your Honor's advice."
  The count remained silent.
  "We have come here," he added, "to be so bold as to ask Your Honor to help us. If you assigned us an escort of soldiers, we could again take our cattle down to pasture."
  The count shook his head. "If I let you have the soldiers," he said, "I must also let you have the captain..."
  The farmers listened, hardly daring to hope.
  "But if the captain is away in the evening," said the count, "who can I play lotto with?"
  The farmers fell to their knees. "Help us, noble count, for pity's sake!" The soldiers around the courtyard yawned and stroked their mustaches.
  Again the count shook his head and said:
  I am the count and I count for three;
No witch have I seen,
So, no witch has there been.
  At those words and still yawning, the soldiers picked up their guns and, with bayonets extended, moved slowly toward the farmers, who turned and filed silently out of the courtyard.
  Back in the town square and completely discouraged, the farmers had no idea what to do next. But the senior of them all, the one who had spoken to the count, said, "There's nothing left to do but send for Masino!"
  So they wrote Masino a letter and sent it to Africa. Then one evening, while they were all gathered around the bonfire as usual, Masino returned. Imagine the welcome they gave him, the embraces, the pots of hot, spiced wine! "Where on earth have you been? What did you see? If you only knew what we have been going through!"
  Masino let them have their say, then he had his. "In Africa I saw cannibals who ate not men but locusts; in the desert I saw a madman who had let his fingernails grow twelve meters long to dig for water; in the sea I saw a fish with a shoe and a slipper who wanted to be king of the other fish, since no other fish possessed shoe or slipper; in Sicily I saw a woman with seventy sons and only one kettle; in Naples I saw people who walked while standing still, since the chatter of other people kept them going; I saw sinners and I saw saints; I saw fat people and people no bigger than mites; many, many frightened souls did I see, but never so many as here in Pocapaglia."
  The farmers hung their heads in shame, for Masino had hit a sensitive spot in suggesting they were cowards. But Masino was not cross with his fellow townsmen. He asked for a detailed account of the witch's doings, then said, "Let me ask you three questions, and at the stroke of midnight I'll go out and catch the witch and bring her back to you."
  "Let's hear your questions! Out with them!" they all said.
  "The first question is for the barber. How many people came to you this month?"
  The barber replied:
  "Long beards, short beards,
Fine beards, coarse beards,
Locks straight, locks curly,
All I trimmèd(sic) in a hurry."
  "Your turn now, cobbler. How many people brought you their old shoes to mend this month?"
  "Alas!" began the cobbler:
  "Shoes of wood, shoes of leather,
Nail by nail I hammered back together,
Mended shoes of satin and shoes of serpent.
But there's nothing left to do,
All their money is spent."
  "The third question goes to you, rope maker. How much rope did you sell this month?"
  The rope maker replied:
  "Rope galore of every sort I sold:
Hemp rope, braided, wicker, cord,
Needle-thin to arm-thick,
Lard-soft to iron-strong...
This month I couldn't go wrong."
  "Very well," said Masino, stretching out by the fire. "I'm now going to sleep for a few hours, I'm very tired. Wake me up at midnight and I'll go after the witch." He put his hat over his face and fell asleep.
  The farmers kept perfectly quiet until midnight, not even daring to breathe, for fear of awaking him. At midnight Masino shook himself, yawned, drank a cup of mulled wine, spat three times into the fire, got up without looking at a soul, and headed for the woods.
  The farmers stayed behind watching the fire burn down and the last embers turn to ashes. Then, whom should Masino drag in by the beard but the count! A count that wept, kicked, and pleaded for mercy.
  "Here's the witch!" cried Masino, and asked, "Where did you put the mulled wine?"
  Beneath the farmers' amazed stares, the count tried to make himself as small as possible, sitting on the ground and shrinking up like a cold-bitten fly.
  "The thief could have been none of you," explained Masino, "since you had all gone to the barber and had no hair to lose in the bushes. Then there were those tracks made by big heavy shoes, but all of you go barefoot. Nor could the thief have been a ghost, since he wouldn't have needed to buy all that cord to tie up the animals and carry them away. But where is my mulled wine?"
  Shaking all over, the count tried to hide in that beard of his which Masino had tousled and torn in pulling him out of the bushes.
  "How did he ever make us faint by just looking at us?" asked one farmer.
  "He would smite you on the head with a padded club. That way you would hear only a whir. He'd leave no mark on you, you'd simply wake up with a headache."
  "And those hairpins he lost?" asked another.
  "They were used to hold his beard up on his head and make it look like a woman's hair."
  Until then the farmers had listened in silence, but when Masino said, "And now, what shall we do with him?" a storm of shouts arose: "Burn him! Skin him alive! String him up for a scarecrow! Seal him in a cask and roll him down the cliff! Sew him up in a sack with six cats and six dogs!"
  "Have mercy!" said the count in a voice just above a whisper.
  "Spare him," said Masino, "and he will bring back your cattle and clean your barns. And since he enjoyed going into the woods at night, make him go there every night and gather bundles of firewood for each of you. Tell the children never to pick up the hairpins they find on the ground, for they belong to Micillina the Witch, whose hair and beard will be disheveled from now on."
  The farmers followed the suggestion, and soon Masino left Pocapaglia to travel about the world. In the course of his travels, he found himself fighting in first one war and another, and they all lasted so long that his saying sprang up:
  Soldier fighter, what a hard lot!
Wretched food, the ground for a cot.
You feed the cannon powder:
Boom-BOOM! Boom-BOOM! Boom louder!
  "The Count's Beard" (La barba del Conte). Published here for the first time, collected by Giovanni Arpino in July 1956, in certain villages of southern Piedmont: Bra (told by Caterina Asteggiano, inmate of a home for old people, and Luigi Berzia), in Guarene (told by Doro Palladino, farmer), in Narzole (told by Annetta Taricco, servant woman), and in Pocapaglia.
  This long narrative, which writer Giovanni Arpino has transcribed and unified from different versions with variants and additions from Bra and surroundings, cannot in my view be classified as a folktale. It is a local legend of recent origin in part (I am thinking, for instance, of the geographical particulars given), that is, not prior to the nineteenth century, and containing disparate elements: explanation of a local superstition (the hairpins of Witch Micillina), antifeudal country legend such as one finds in many northern countries, curious detective-story structure à la Sherlock Holmes, many digressions nonessential to the story (such as the trip from Africa back to town -- which Arpino tells me also exists as a separate story -- and all the allusions to Masino's past and future adventures which lead to the conclusion globetrotter from a country whose inhabitants are reputed to be contrastingly slow and backward), verse (of which Arpino and I have presented only as much as we could effective translate), and grotesque images which seem rooted in tradition, such as the sacks under the hens' tails, the oxen so thin that they were curried with the rake, the count whose beard was combed by four soldiers, etc....
  Copyright: Italian Folktales Selected and Retold by Italo Calvino,
  translated by George Martin,
  Pantheon Books, New York 1980
The Little Girl Sold with the Pears
Once a man had a pear tree that used to bear four baskets of pears a year. One year, though, it only bore three baskets and a half, while he was supposed to carry four to the king. Seeing no other way out, he put his youngest daughter into the fourth basket and covered her up with pears and leaves.
The baskets were carried into the king's pantry, where the child stayed in hiding underneath the pears. But having nothing to eat, she began nibbling on the pears. After a while the servants noticed the supply of pears dwindling and also saw the cores. "There must be a rat or a mole gnawing on the pears," they said. "We shall look inside the baskets." They removed the top and found the little girl.
"What are you doing here?" they asked. "Come with us and work in the king's kitchen."
They called her Perina, and she was such a clever little girl that in no time she was doing the housework better than the king's own maidservants. She was so pretty no one could help loving her. The king's son, who was her age exactly, was always with Perina, and they became very fond of each other.
As the maiden grew up, the maidservants began to envy her. They held their tongues for a while, then accused Perina of boasting she would go and steal the witches' treasure. The king got wind of it and send for the girl. "Is it true you boasted you would go and steal the witches' treasure?"
"No, Sacred Crown, I made no such boast."
"You did so," insisted the king, "and now you have to keep your word." At that, he banished her from the palace until she should return with the treasure.
On and on she walked until nightfall. Perina came to an apple tree, but kept on going. She next came to a peach tree, but still didn't stop. Then she came to a pear tree, climbed it, and fell asleep.
In the morning there stood a little old woman under the tree. "What are you doing up there, my daughter?" asked the old woman.
Perina told her about the difficulty she was in. The old woman said, "Take these three pounds of grease, three pounds of bread, and three pounds of millet and be on your way." Perina thanked her very much and moved on.
She came to a bakery where three women were pulling out their hair to sweep out the oven with. Perina gave them the three pounds of millet, which they then used to sweep out the oven and allowed the little girl to continue on her way.
On and on she walked and met three mastiffs that barked and rushed at anyone coming their way. Perina threw them the three pounds of bread, and they let her pass.
After walking for miles and miles she came to a blood-red river, which she had no idea how to cross. But the old woman had told her to say:
"Fine water so red,
I must make haste;
Else, of you would I taste."
At those words, the waters parted and let her through.
On the other side of the river, Perina beheld one of the finest and largest palaces in the world. But the door was opening and slamming so rapidly that no one could possibly go in. Perina therefore applied the three pounds of grease to its hinges, and from then on it opened and closed quite gently.
Inside, Perina spied the treasure chest sitting on a small table. She picked it up and was about to go off with it, when the chest spoke: "Door, kill her, kill her!"
"I won't, either, since she greased my hinges that hadn't been looked after since goodness knows when."
Perina reached the river, and the chest said, "River, drown her, drown her!"
"I won't, either," replied the river, "since she called me 'Fine water so red.'"
She came to the dogs, and the chest said, "Dogs, devour her, devour her!"
"We won't, either," replied the dogs, "since she gave us three pounds of bread."
She came to the bakery oven. "Oven, burn her, burn her!"
But the three women replied, "We won't, either, since she gave us three pounds of millet, so that now we can spare our hair."
When she was almost home, Perina, who had as much curiosity as the next little girl, decided to peep into the treasure chest. She opened it, and out came a hen and her brood of gold chicks. They scuttled away too fast for a soul to catch them. Perina struck out after them. She passed the apple tree, but they were nowhere in sight. She passed the peach tree, where there was still no sign of them. She came to the pear tree, and there stood the little old woman with a wand in her hand and hen and chicks feeding around her. "Shoo, shoo!" went the old woman, and the hen and chicks reentered the treasure chest.
Upon her arrival, the king's son came out to meet her. "When my father asked what you want as a reward, tell him that box filled with coal in the cellar."
On the doorstep of the royal palace stood the maidservants, the king, and the entire court. Perina handed the king the hen with the brood of gold chicks. "Ask for whatever you want," said the king, "and I will give it to you."
"I would like the box of coal in the cellar," replied Perina.
They brought her the box of coal, which she opened, and out jumped the king's son, who was hiding inside. The king was then happy for Perina to marry his son.
"The Little Girl Sold with the Pears" (La bambina venduta con le pere) from Comparetti, 10, Monferrato, Piedmont.
I changed the name Margheritina to Perina (Pearlet), and I invented the motif of the peartree and the little old woman (in the original, the magic props come from the king's son, who is under a spell), to reinforce the pear/girl link.
Copyright: Italian Folktales Selected and Retold by Italo Calvino,
translated by George Martin,
Pantheon Books, New York 1980

The Snake
A farmer went out mowing everyday, and at noon one or the other of his three daughters would bring him his lunch. On a certain day it fell to the oldest girl to go. By the time she reached the woods, though, she was tired and sat down on a stone to rest a minute before proceeding to the meadow. No sooner had she taken a seat than she felt a strong thud underneath, and out crawled a snake. The girl dropped the basket and ran home as fast as her legs would carry her. That day the father went hungry and when he came in from the field he scolded his daughters angrily.
The next day the middle girl started out. She too sat down on the stone, and the same thing occurred as the day before. Then the third girl said, "It's my turn now, but I'm not afraid." Instead of one lunch basket, she prepared two. When she felt the thud and saw the snake, she gave it one of the baskets of food, and the snake spoke. "Take me home with you, and I will bring you luck." The girl put the snake in her apron and then went on to her father with his lunch. When she got back home, she placed the snake under her bed. It grew so rapidly that soon it was too big to fit under the bed, so it went away. Before leaving, however, it bestowed three charms on the girl: weeping, she would shed tears of pearl and silver; laughing, she would see golden pomegranate seeds fall from her head; and washing her hands, she would produce fish of every kind.
That day there was nothing in the house to eat, and her father and sisters were weak from the hunger, so what did she do but wash her hands and see the basin fill up with fish! Her sisters became envious and convinced their father that there was something strange behind all this and that he would be wise to lock the girl up in the attic.
From the attic window the girl looked into the king's garden, where the king's son was playing ball. Running after the ball, he slipped and fell, sending the girl into peals of laughter. As she laughed, gold pomegranate seeds rained from her head on the garden. The king's son had no idea where they came from, for the girl had slammed the window.
Returning to the garden next day to play ball, the king's son noticed that a pomegranate tree had sprung up. It was already quite tall and laden with fruit. He went to pick the pomegranates, but the tree grew taller right before his eyes, and all he had to do was reach for a pomegranate and the branches would rise a foot beyond his grasp. Since nobody managed to pluck so much as one leaf of the tree, the king assembled the wise men to explain the magic spell. The oldest of them all said that only one maiden would be able to pick the fruit and that she would become the bride of the king's son.
So the king issued a proclamation for all marriageable girls to come to the garden, under pain of death, to try to pick the pomegranates. Girls of every race and station showed up, but no ladders were ever long enough for them to reach the fruit. Among the contestants were the farmer's two older daughters, but they fell off the ladder and landed flat on their backs. The king had the houses searched and found other girls, including the one locked up in the attic. As soon as they took her to the tree, the branches bent down and placed the pomegranates right in her hands. Everyone cheered, "That's the bride, that's the bride!" with the king's son shouting loudest of all.
Preparations were made for the wedding, to which the sisters, as envious as ever, were invited. They all three rode in the same carriage, which drew to a halt in the middle of a forest. The older girls ordered the younger one out of the carriage, cur off her hands, gouged out her eyes, and left her lying unconscious in the bushes. Then the oldest girl dressed in the wedding gown and went to the king's son. He couldn't understand why she'd become so ugly, but since she faintly resembled the other girl, he decided he'd been mistaken all along about her original beauty.
Eyeless and handless, the maiden remained in the forest weeping. A carter came by and had pity on her. He seated her on his mule and took her to his house. She told him to look down: the ground was strewn with silver and pearls, which were none other than the girl's tears. The carter took them and sold them for more than a thousand crowns. How glad he was to have taken the poor girl in, even if she was unable to work and help the family.
One day the girl felt a snake wrap around her leg: it was the snake she had once befriended. "Did you know your sister married the king's son and became queen, since the old king died? Now she's expecting a baby and wants figs."
The girl said to the carter, "Load a mule with figs and take them to the queen."
"Where am I going to get figs this time of year?" asked the carter. It happened to be winter.
But the next morning he went into the garden and found the fig tree laden with fruit, even though there wasn't a leaf on the tree. He filled up two baskets and loaded them onto his donkey.
"How high a price can I ask for figs in winter?" said the carter.
"Ask for a pair of eyes," replied the maiden.
That he did, but neither the king nor the queen nor her other sister would have ever gouged out their eyes. So the sisters talked the matter over. "Let's give him our sister's eyes, which are of no use to us." With those eyes they purchased the figs.
The carter returned to the maiden with the eyes. She put them back in place and saw again as well as ever.
Then the queen had a desire for peaches, and the king sent to the carter asking if he couldn't find some peaches the way he'd found figs. The next morning the peach tree in the carter's garden was laden with peaches, and he took a load to court at once on his donkey. When they asked him what he wanted for them, he replied, "A pair of hands."
But nobody would cut off their hands, not even to please the king. Then the sisters talked the matter over. "Let's give him our sister's."
When the girl got her hands back, she reattached them to her arms and was as sound as ever.
Not long afterward, the queen went into labor and brought forth a scorpion. The king nonetheless gave a ball, to which everybody was invited. The girl went dressed as a queen and was the belle of the ball. The king fell in love with her and realized she was his true bride. She laughed golden seeds, wept pearls, and washed fish into the basin, as she told her story from start to finish.
The two wicked sisters and the scorpion were burned on a pyre skyhigh. On the same day the grand wedding banquet took place.
They put on the dog and high did they soar;
I saw, I heard, I hid behind the door.
Then to dine repaired I to the inn,
And there my story draws to an end.
"The Snake" (La Biscia) from Comparetti, 25, Monferrato, Piedmont.
The luxuriant story from The Facetious Nights (III, 3) about Biancabella and the serpent, one of Straparola's finest, is here told, on the contrary, in bare rustic simplicity, in the midst of meadows ready for a mowing, fruits, and seasons. The episode of the pomegranate tree with its fruit that cannot be plucked was added by me to fill out a somewhat sketchy passage in the Piedmontese version. I took it from a Tuscan variant (Gradi), based on motifs from this tale and others, where supernatural help comes from a red and gold fish.
Copyright: Italian Folktales Selected and Retold by Italo Calvino,
translated by George Martin,
Pantheon Books, New York 1980