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_79 罗素(英)
29, 193, 538
Russell, Maud (cousin of B. R.) 539
Russell, Max 608
Russell, Patricia (‘Peter’, B. R.’s 3rd
wife, née Spence) xvi, 409, 412,
474, 481, 487, 488, 511, 542
Russell, Rollo (B. R.’s uncle) 8,
13–14, 20, 25, 26, 34, 35, 36, 57,
64, 110, 113, 129–30, 322, 389
Russell, Senator 675
Russell, Sir Claud, letters from
361–62, 529–31
Russell, Susan 561
Russell, Vita 129
Russell, William (‘Willy’, B. R.’s
uncle) 8
Russell Chambers 524
Russell of Liverpool, Lord, letters
from and to 600
Russia 309–38; academics 547; and
Baruch proposal 489; Bomb
tests in 489; B. R. in 315–24, 337;
the autobiography of bertrand russell 738and Britain 617; and China 575;
Communism 552; Conrad’s
dislike of 202; and Cuban crisis
624, 651, 655; and disarmament
490, 669; and division of
Germany 492; Draft
Disarmament Treaties 669; Jews
in 262, 632, 636, 651; and nuclear
war 529, 651; Revolution of 240;
serfs in 145; Soviet Government
compared with Hitler’s 618–19,
621; see also Bolsheviks
Russo-Turkish War 379
Rutherford, Ernest (Baron) 505;
letter from 408
Sadowa, Battle of 379
Saich, Mrs 268
Saigon 340, 696
Saint Andrews 213
Salisbury, Harrison 642
Salmatius, Claudius 314
Salt Lake City, Utah 407
Sand, Georges 564
Sands, Ethel 264
Sandys, Duncan 578
San Francisco 299
Sanger, Charles Percy 47, 58, 59, 96,
97, 98, 100, 132, 200; letters from
104–6, 107, 252–53, 281, 296–97,
359; death of 414, 446
Sanger, Daphne 297
Sanger, Dora, letter to 445–46
Santa Barbara, California 439
Santayana, George 173, 204, 205,
228, 464, 465, 504, 650; letters
from 207–8, 259–60
Saratov, USSR 317, 322
Sarawak 692
Sarpi, Paolo 119
Sartre, Jean-Paul 644
Sassoon, Siegfried 303
Satan in the Suburbs (B. R.) 506
Satow, Sir Ernest 530
Savernake Forest 431
Scandinavia 502, 523–24; Denmark
579; Norway 469, 492, 502;
Sweden 315, 323, 501
scepticism 558
Schaef, Adolf 557
Schiller, Ferdinand C. S. 11, 173, 181;
letter from 253–54
Schlick, Moritz, letter from 384–85
Schoenman, Ralph 582, 583, 584,
585, 595, 633, 637, 642
Scho?eld, Professor 205
Schweitzer, Albert 654
science 149, 420
The Scienti?c Outlook 421
Scilly Isles 308
Scope and Method of Economics
(Keynes) 105–6
Scotch Presbyterianism 10, 29
Scotland 541–42, 548
Scotland Yard 393
Scott, Mabel Edith see Russell,
Mabel Edith (Countess)
Scott, Mrs 196
Scott, Rev. Michael 584, 585
Scott, Walter 169
Scotus Erigena see John the Scot
Seal, Dr 214
Seatoller, Barrowdale 541
Second World War see World War II
Secret Service 676, 678, 680, 681
The Secret Agent (Conrad) 202
Sedg?eld, Miss 184
Selassie, Haile 653
self-harm 45
self-preservation 39
semantics 509; see also language
Senghor, Leopald 654
Serbia 207, 346
serfs, Russian 145
Sermon on the Mount 490–91
Seville, Spain 300
sexuality: and B. R. 27, 28, 29, 31, 71;
Ellis on 270; Lawrence on 232;
lust 98; marital relations 115, 142;
and marriage 11; morality 31, 69,
451; Ottoline Morrell,
relationship with 197, 199; self-
denial 197; see also marriages of
B. R.
Shakespeare, William 10, 19, 29, 38,
42, 472, 507
index 739Shanghai 340, 352
Shantung, China 348
Sharp, Malcolm 554
Shaw, Charlotte F., letter from 407
Shaw, George Bernard 47, 66, 67,
168, 182, 188, 425, 480; Candida
433; letters from 258, 273, 381,
Shaw, Tom 315
Sheepshanks, Miss 170
Sheffer, Henry M. 326, 327, 328
Shef?eld Road 83
Shelley, Percy Bysshe 29, 70, 109,
263, 544, 646
Shiffold, Tovey 359
Shute, Neville 581
Siam 203, 377
Sibthorp, Miss 526
Sicily 162
Sickert, Oswald 81, 108
Sidgwick, Henry 107, 148, 173
Sidgwick, Miss 248
Siena, Italy 300
Sierra Nevada mountains,
California 441
Sihanouk, Prince 697
Silcox, Lucy 200, 475
Simpson, General Sir F. E. W., letter
from 528
Singapore 499, 692
Single Tax 312
Singleton, Mr and Mrs 16
Sino-Indian Border Dispute 626–28
‘Sixteen Questions on the
Assassination’ 676
skating 24
Skobeltsyn, Academician 572
Skybolt 685
Smith see Pearsall Smith, Logan
Smith, A. L. 191
Smuts, General J. C. 587
Snow, C. P. 615
Snow, Edgar 478
Snowden, Mrs Philip 144, 145, 241,
315–16, 317, 322
Snowden, Philip 425
‘Snowy Mountains’, Australia 498
Sobell, Morton 553, 554, 632
Social Democrats, Germany 116,
Socialism 35, 49, 351, 429, 472;
British 68; German 120–21, 276;
see also Fabianism
Society of Friends see Quakers
The Society see Moral Science Club
Socrates 595, 648
solipsism 374, 413, 414
Soller, Spain 315
Solomon 396
Somerset, Lady Henry 70, 92
Somerville, Mrs Mollie see Russell,
Mollie (Countess)
Sonning, Leonie 595
Sonning Prize 579
Sophocles 472
Sorbell, Mrs 553
The Sorbonne 497
South Africa 568, 684; Slave Trade
South Downs, Sussex 235
Southgate see Old Southgate
South Riding (Holtby) 462
South Sea Islands 205
Space 98, 419
Spain 300; Barcelona 315
Spalding, D. A. 7
Specimen Days (Whitman) 462
The Spectator 169, 302
speech, freedom of 451, 454
Spence, Patricia see Russell,
Patricia (‘Peter’, B. R.’s 3rd wife,
née Spence)
Spencer, Herbert 9, 35, 38, 66
sperm-banks 647
‘Spies for Peace’ 597
Spinoza, Baruch 53, 154, 247, 336
spiritual love 98
Sprigge, Mrs 559
Spring Rice, Cecil, letter from 276
Stalin, Josef 233, 425, 461, 476, 554,
562, 672; death of 492, 656
Stanley, Algernon (B. R.’s uncle) 23
Stanley, Kate see Amberley, Kate
(Viscount) (B. R.’s mother)
Stanley, Lady (B. R.’s grandmother)
21–23, 24, 56, 126, 166
the autobiography of bertrand russell 740Stanley, Lord (B. R.’s grandfather)
Stanley, Lord Henry ( B. R.’s uncle)
Stanley, Lyulph (B. R.’s uncle) 23
Stanley, Maude (B. R.’s aunt) 21, 22,
29, 71; letter from 103, 546
Stanley, Mrs (Lyulph’s wife) 23
Stanley, Rosalind 522
State: see also authority
Status Quo 669
Stawell, Melian 109, 200
Ste Chapelle 540
Steffens, Lincoln 337
Steinbach, Dr, letter to 422–23
Steinbeck, John, 462 see Grapes of
Wrath (Steinbeck)
Stephen, Karin (née Costelloe) 198,
209, 216, 522
Stevens 81
Stevenson, Adlai 676
Stewart, Charles W., letter to
St Fillans, Perthshire 21, 541
St Guénolé 167
St James’s Park, London 24
St Martin’s Lane, Quaker Meeting
in 115
Stockholm 315, 323, 501
Stockwood, Mervyn 682
Stoics 48, 178, 464
Stone House, Broadstairs 18
Stout, George Frederick 125
St Pancreas Vestry, London 433
St Paul’s 504
St Peter’s 504
Strachey, Lady 62
Strachey, Lytton 60, 62–63;
publications by 62, 236, 243
Strachey, Sir Richard 62
Strauss, Richard 425
Stravinsky, Igor 425
Strong, Anna Louise 568
Stuart, Lady Louisa 512
Studentenbund, Deutscher 664
Studland 198, 199
The Student’s Handbook to
Cambridge 217
Sturges, Jonathan 75
Suez crisis 555
suffrage, women’s 117, 144, 145, 146
Suhrawardy, Shaheed 271
suicide 32, 39, 45, 198
Summerhill School 402
Sunday Times 598, 684
Sun Yat Sen 341, 397
Sverdlov, V. M. 322
Swanage 198
Sweden 315, 323, 501, 502
swells 96
Swirsky, William, letter to 448–49
Switzerland 333; people of 513
Sydney Morning Herald 499
symbolic logic 249
syndicalism 351
A System of Logistic (Quine) 434
Table of the Springs of Action
(Bentham) 395
The Tablet 455
Taft, Bob 513
Tagore, Rabindranath 425; letter
from 214–15
Tait, Charles (B. R.’s son-in-law)
514, 581–82
Tait, Katherine see Russell,
Katherine Jane (B. R.s daughter)
Taiwan 626
Tan-y-Ralt 544
Tarski 446
Task (Cowper) 19
Taygetus 540
Taylor, Jeremy 140
Taylor, Sir Henry 128
Telegraph House 259, 368; later
years 409–37
Teller, Edward 580
Temple Enseveli (Maeterlinck) 156
Temple of Heaven, Peking 344, 362
Ten Commandments 39, 123
Tennyson, Alfred Lord 29, 184, 522,
Tennyson, Lady 128
Ten Tribes 16
Testban Treaty 558, 656
Teufelsdr?ck 190
index 741Thackeray, William 55
Thales 465, 466, 472
That Reminds Me (Russell of
Liverpool) 601
Theodore of Tarsus, Archbishop of
Canterbury 18, 474
Theodor-Koerner Foundation 557
theology 41, 47; see also speci?c
theorists 90
Theory of Descriptions 142
Theory of Groups 249
Theory of Knowledge 267
Theory of Types 142
Thirring, Hans 557
Thomas, Bond (cousin of Alys) 121
Thomas, Bryson 88
Thomas, Dr (father of Carey) 122
Thomas, Edith 121
Thomas, Helen (later Flexner)
122–23, 159, 162, 163, 170, 172,
269, 513
Thomas, James Carey 88, 121, 122,
Thomas, M. Carey 512
Thomson, George 691
Thomson, James 19
Tibet 126, 308
Tiergarten 116
Tilford 142, 511
The Times 35, 185, 241, 378, 430, 521,
579, 600, 602, 623, 686, 691;
letter to 275
Ting, V. K. 348
Tippett, Patrolman 680
Tirpitz, Alfred (Admiral von) 232
Tiryns 540
Tokyo 349
Tolstoy, Leo 176, 181–82, 202, 314,
320, 411
Tomkins 564
Tomlinson, H. M. 244
Tom Paine award 632
‘To One who Sleeps by my Side’
(poem) 312
Topchiev, Academician 552
Tories: see also Unionists and
Torquemada, Thomas 396
totalitarianism 202
Tottenham Court Road, London
‘tovarisch’ 316
Tovey, Sir Donald 464
Towards a Lasting Settlement 267
Tower Hill 421
Toynbee, Arnold, letter from 651–52
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
(Wittgenstein) 313–14, 330, 602,
Trade Unionism 64
Trafalgar Square 226, 263, 574–628,
631; speech at 583
Trattenbach, Austria 314, 333, 334,
Treatise on Probability (Keynes) 61
Trevelyan, George Macaulay 63
Trevelyan, Humphrey 465
Trevelyan, Mrs Bessie (Mrs Robert)
461, 464, 465, 467
Trevelyan, Robert 46, 54, 55, 173,
175, 594; letters from and to
Trevelyan, Sir Charles 46, 54, 401;
letters to 402, 404–5
Trevelyan, Sir George O. 54–55, 63,
168, 204, 226, 464–65; letter
from 192
Trevor-Roper, Hugh 522, 682
Trevy, George 100, 105, 107, 108,
109, 524; letter from 190
Trevy, Lady 109
tribes 39
The Tribunal 242, 294, 298
Trinity College, Cambridge 31, 133,
196, 217, 225, 242, 276, 278, 279,
312, 488, 548
Trinity College Council, letters from
and to 279, 419–20
Tristam Shandy 22
Trondheim 492, 493
Trotsky, Leon 425