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_74 罗素(英)
CIA (Central Intelligence Agency)
civil defence 610, 615
civil disobedience 593, 613; non-
violent 614
civilisation 39, 79, 81, 153, 155, 228,
239, 250, 251, 253, 261, 293, 306,
355, 375, 423, 463, 471, 477, 488,
509, 516, 534, 604, 649, 652, 657,
696; ancient 341; European 237,
238, 254; human 695; Western
Civil Liberties Union, US 459
‘On Civil Disobedience’ 612–19
Clarendon, Constitutions of 15
Clark, Sir William 363
classical economists 412
Cleanthes 464
Cleddon Hall (formerly Ravenscroft)
7, 8, 541
Cleopatra 107, 361
index 717Click, Darryll 681
Clifford, W. K. 567
Clifton Crescent, Folkestone 212
CND (Campaign for Nuclear
Disarmament) 575–76, 577, 578,
581, 582, 585, 593; leadership 597;
Welsh 584; Youth 586, 638
Cobden-Sanderson, T. J. 7; letter
from 216
Cockerill, Gen. George 283
Coef?cients (dining club) 143
Cold War 490, 498, 646, 656, 666,
669, 685, 693
Coleridge, S. T. 99, 567
College of the City of New York 440;
Student Council of, letter from
Collins, Canon John 576
colonialism 19
Columbia Teachers’ Training
College 478
Columbia University 499
Committee of 100, 584, 585, 586,
591–92, 596–97, 633, 665
Committee on Private Schools 403
Common Sense and Nuclear Warfare
(B. R.) xiv, 490, 577, 578, 586
‘common usage’ 508
Commonwealth 617, 686
Communism/Communists 343,
344, 429, 490, 492, 532, 580, 622;
Russian 552; see also Bolsheviks
Companionate Marriage 598
Comte, Auguste 30
concentration camps 632, 644,
663, 665, 688
Confessions (Rousseau) xiii
Confucius/Confucianism 6, 352,
Congo 690, 695
Connemara, Ireland 300
Connolly, Cyril 564
The Conquest of Happiness (B. R.)
xvi, 368, 372, 408, 420
Conrad, Joseph 201–2, 203–4, 287;
on China 377; letters from
218–19, 359–60, 376–79
conscience 39, 40, 41, 149; of
Mankind 696, 698; see also
conscientious objection/objectors
233, 234, 274, 279
consciousness 38
conscription 306, 496; see also No
Conscription Fellowship
conservatism 472
Conservative Party 67, 145, 348,
406, 414, 491, 683
Considine, Bob 680, 681
Constable, W. G. 281
Constitutional party 144
Continuing Committee, Pugwash
Conference 556, 557, 558
contraception see birth control
Conway, Moncure D. 358
Conway Memorial Committee 358
Conybeare, F. C. 108, 257
Cooper, James Fennimore 538
Cooper, Senator 675
co-operation, world-wide 658
University 579
Cophetua, King 434
Copilowish (Copi), Irving M. 438
de Coppello, Dr van 526
Le Corbusier 442–43
Cornford, F. M., letter from 280–81
Cornford, Frances 280, 706n
Cornwall 166, 203, 367, 401, 409,
416, 505
Corsica 308
Costelloe, Frank 64
Costelloe, Karin (later Stephen)
198, 209, 216, 522
Costelloe, Mary see Berenson, Mary
(née Smith)
Costelloe Cottage 81
courage 36, 83, 131, 160, 166, 170,
172, 180, 189, 198, 202
Courtenay, Lady 6
Cousins, Frank 583
Couturat, Louis 124–25
Coward, Chance & Co., Messrs
(solicitors) 49
Cowper, William 19
Cox, Mrs (housekeeper) 16
the autobiography of bertrand russell 718Craig, Walter 675
Crawshay-Williams, Elizabeth 544,
Crawshay-Williams, Rupert 544, 551,
594; letter from 563–64
creativity 229
Creed, Isabel 450
Creighton, Beatrice 158, 180
Cretans 138
Crime and Punishment
(Dostoevsky) 320
Crimean War 9, 66, 558
criminal law 411, 497, 666
Cripps, Rt. Hon. Sir Richard
Stafford 68, 480, 481
Crompton, Henry 6
Crow (Republican) 130
cruelty 318, 320, 323, 370, 373, 374,
375, 406, 411, 501, 504, 643, 646,
672, 700, 709n
Cuba 672–73
Cuban crisis 596, 624, 651, 655, 656,
670, 672, 682; statement on 625
Culbertson, Ely 131, 476
Curie, Marie 425
Curry, Jesse 678, 680
Curzon, Robert 523
Cymbeline 539
Czechoslovakia 200, 445; fall of
Democratic Government 491
Daedalus 392
D?hne, E. 664
Daily Express 691
Daily Mail 615
Daily News 292
Daily Worker 549, 686, 689
Dakyns, Arthur 174
Dalkey, Norman 438
Dallas, Morning News 676, 677,
678, 689
Daniel, Admiral Sir Charles 528
Dante Alighieri 30, 156, 178
Danube 556
Dardanelles 281, 304
Dark Ages 300
Dartington Hall 406
Dartington school 409
Darwin, Frank 9, 216
Davey, Sir Horace 7
Davies, Clement, letters from
Davies, Crompton Llewellyn 35,
47–52, 98, 119–20, 170, 171, 172,
196, 446; letters from 59
Davies, Harry 189
Davies, Llewellyn 174
Davies, Margaret 124, 146, 175
Davies, Rev. John (father of
Crompton and Theodore) 124
Davies, Theodore Llewellyn 47–48,
59, 108, 109, 170–71, 183; death
of 48, 142, 170, 173, 189–90, 306
Davis, Colin 595
Davitt, Michael 35
Dean’s Yard, London 6
death 87, 149, 247; see also suicide
death penalty 233
Death’s Other Kingdom (Gamel
Brenan) 431
death wish 501
Decalogue 149
Dedekindian continuity 435
Dedijer, Vladimir 644
Deer?eld, Mass. 538
Defence of the Realm Act 276, 279
‘The De?led Sanctuary’ (Blake) 151,
de Frece, Sir Walter 364
de Gaulle, Charles 620
de Kanter, Peter 526
de Kanter van Hettinga Tromp, Mrs
Delphi 540
democracy 424, 614
Democratic Party 504
Democrats (US) 131
Demos, Mr 205–6
Denikin, A. I. 317
Denmark 579
Depression 61
Derby, Lord 296, 309
Descartes, René 30, 361, 502
descriptions, theory of 142
d’Estournelles 92, 110
D’Etchegoyen, Mme 17
index 719Deudraeth Castle, North Wales 409
Deutscher, Isaac 644
Devon 166, 268
Devonshire, Spencer Compton
Cavendish, Duke of 175
Dewey, John 192, 324, 341, 351, 354,
460, 472; letters from 455–56
Dewey, Mrs 341, 354
Diamond Necklace (Carlyle) 158
Dickens, Charles 184
Dickinson, Goldsworthy Lowes 53,
97, 107, 109, 162, 175, 184,
186–87, 348, 363, 464; letters
from and to 177, 178–83, 215–16,
296; publications by 173
Differential Equations 217
Dilke, Sir Charles 19, 381
Dillons, Irish 22
Direct Action Committee 576, 582,
584, 585
disarmament 578, 596, 656, 657,
659, 669, 674; see also nuclear
discipline 202
Disraeli, Benjamin 173
divorce 347, 369
Dodson 96, 110
dogmatism 500, 634
Dolci, Danilo 654
Donnelly, Lucy Martin 518, 537;
letters from and to 154–77,
269–70, 509–15
Doomsday Bomb 690
Doomsday Oak, Alderley 579
Dorgan, Thomas 451
Dostoevsky, Fyodor x, 19, 202, 320,
doubt, religious 43
Douglas, Lady Edith 704n
Douglas, Lord Alfred 704n
Dover Street, London 21, 24, 29, 113
Drake, J. T. 83
Draper, John William 47
Dresden, East Germany 100, 491
Dreyfus case 269, 675, 695
Dr Strangelove (?lm) 581
Dryden, John 19
Dublin 35, 563; Easter Rebellion 233
Dudley, Helen 240, 256, 266, 271
Dudley, Katherine 240
Duff, Peggy 576
Dufferin and Ava, Frederick Temple
Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood, 1st
marquess of 74, 86, 89, 95, 110,
111; letters from and to 103–4
Dufferin and Ava, Lady 95, 96
Duguit, Leon 329
Dulles, Allen 675
Dulles, John Foster 575, 578, 609,
617, 676
Duncrambo (game) 96
Dunrozel, Marchioness of
Haslemere 86, 110, 129
Du Principe Fédératif (Proudhon)
Durant, Will, letters from and to
Durnstein (Austria) 556
Easter Rebellion, Dublin 233
East Germany (GDR) 100, 491, 632,
651, 658–59, 660, 663
Eastman, Max 337
East-West relations see under Cold
War; under Russia; under United
Eaton, Cyus 555, 557
Ecclesiasticism 180
Economic Consequences of the Peace
(Keynes) 60, 61
economics 35, 47, 96, 98, 105
Eddington, A. S. 311, 374, 421
Eddy, Mary Baker 472
Edgeworth, Maria 19
Edinburgh 65
Edinburgh, the 185, 190
Edison, Thomas A. 126, 425
education 289; of B. R. 16–17,
20–21, 30–31, 40, 42, 46–63; and
conscience 40; in US 448; views
of B. R. 367–68, 398–403, 421
Education and the Social Order (B.
R.) 409
Edwards, Paul 458, 501
Edward the Seventh 57
Egypt 132
the autobiography of bertrand russell 720Eiffel Tower 33
Einstein, Albert 311, 325, 359, 398,
422, 425, 444, 472, 499, 546, 549,
567, 571, 572; death of 547; on
History of Western Philosophy 533;
letters from and to 425–27, 531,
Einstein-Russell manifesto 550
Eisenhower, D. 562, 575, 577, 578,
Ekkehard (German book) 65
Eliot, Charlotte C. (T. S. Eliot’s
mother), letter from 268
Eliot, George 75
Eliot, Mrs 285
Eliot, T. S. 205, 229, 263, 265, 328,
431; letters from and to 39, 268,
390–91, 524, 525
Eliot, Vivien 390
Elizabeth, Queen of Belgium 654
Elizabethans 157
Elliot, Admiral the Hon. Sir Charles,
KCB (B. R.’s great uncle) 91
Elliott, George (B.R’s great uncle
Doddy) 12
Elliott, Sir Charles 12
Elliot, Sir Henry (B. R.’s great uncle)
Ellis, Havelock 270
Elman, Mischa 350
Elmhirst, L. K. 406
Elm Street 677
emancipation 145
Emergency Civil Liberties
Committee, US 632
Eminent Victorians (Strachey) 62,
236, 243
emotion 157; and emotion 318
Emperor’s Gate, London 409
Empress of Asia 350, 357
Empsom, William 682
enfranchisement of women 146
England see Britain
English language 355
Epicurus 466
Epimenides 138
Epipsychidion 71
Episcopal Church 581
Epistles (Horace) 462
Epstein, Jacob 539
equality for women see suffrage,
equations 249
Erdmann, Benno 105
Erni, Hans 595
Escorial Monastery 300
Esperanto 124
An Essay on the Foundations of
Geometry 116
Essays 464
ethics 52, 249, 503; and passions
504, 505
Ethics (Sigwick) 148
Eton 316, 400
Euclid 25
eugenics 574, 647
Euripides 159
Evening Standard 583
Everett, Ernest F. 274, 275
Ewer, Mr 393
Experiment in Autobiography (Wells)
extermination camps 665
Fabianism 66, 67
Fabian Society 67, 69, 258, 381;
Nursery 289
Fact and Fiction (B. R.) 508, 579
Fairchild, Sally 125–26
faith 183; B. R.’s loss of 29
Faith and Mountains 563
Fallen Leaf Lake, nr Lake Tahoe
The False Key (Edgeworth) 19
Far East 270
Far from the Madding Crowd
(Hardy) 24
Farley, Christopher 593, 633–34,
637, 642
Fascism 231, 429, 445, 474; of D. H.
Lawrence 230–31
fasting 67
Faust 225
FBI 554, 676, 680